Poster Presentation (PP)


  • Concept and main idea
  • Submission procedure
  • Restrictions
  • Reviewing
  • Presentation and Publication

Concept and main idea

Poster Presentations are intended for information/research that is best communicated in a visual form rather than an oral paper presentation. There is no formal oral presentation associated with Poster Presentations, although there can be a time allotted, after sufficient display time, during which presenters will be available by their posters for discussion with conference participants.

Posters should present empirical or theoretical research studies on a topic that relates to the major goals of PME:

  • to promote international contacts and exchange of scientific information in the field of mathematical education;
  • to promote and stimulate interdisciplinary research in the aforesaid area; and
  • to further a deeper and more correct understanding of the psychological and other aspects of teaching and learning mathematics and the implications thereof.

Reports should describe the research context of the study presented, the study itself, and its implications, with a particular focus on the visual aspects of the presentation.

Contributions need not be limited to completed research. Ongoing studies may be submitted, provided that theoretical framework, preliminary results, and a discussion of these results appear in the text submitted. Proposals which are too similar to papers previously presented cannot be accepted. Proposals that represent new and significant contributions to research in the Psychology of Mathematics Education are especially encouraged.

PME Poster Presentations are reviewed in a double-blind peer review process by at least one member of the International Programme Committee.

Submission Procedure

Proposals for Poster presentations are to be written in English without an abstract. The document may be up to one page long and must be in line with the formatting guidelines provided by the conference organizers. More information is available in the conference template file. For the peer review process, authors must submit a second, blinded version of their proposal. Papers that do not conform with the formatting guidelines, exceed the maximum number of pages or which are not accompanied by a properly blinded version may be rejected without further consideration or peer review.

The preparation of a proposal for an Poster Presentation is a challenging enterprise since the space is limited to one page only. Note that no abstract is necessary for a Poster Presentation Paper. Advice on how to prepare a Poster paper can be found on the PME website (see Preparation of OC and PP contributions).

Please consider the following issues before you submit you proposal: Submission Checklist OC and PP

Proposals for Poster Presentations must be submitted via ConfTool ( no later than March, 1st, in the year of the conference (see conference announcement for exact dates).

Submissions to ConfTool are only possible if the presenting author is registered in the ConfTool system and has paid the non-refundable conference deposit.

Two files must be prepared for each proposal:

  • for publication, the word file that strictly follows the formatting guidelines
  • for review, a “blinded version” as PDF file in which it is not possible for a reviewer to infer the authors’ identities from the text.

Please note that no revisions are possible after submission. Each contribution is accepted or rejected in the form in which it was submitted.


Every pre-registered person may submit up to one Poster Presentation. The proposal should be submitted by the author who will deliver the presentation during the conference.


Proposals for Poster Presentations will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least one member of the IPC (International Program Committee). Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the Short Oral proposal will be available after the 2nd meeting oft he International Programme Committee in April.

Review criteria

Apart from what has been said above, the review process is guided by certain criteria.

1. The proposal must satisfy the formatting guidelines given in the first announcement.

2. The proposal should give a description of the research that has been conducted or that is being conducted. It is the basis for the review process which decides whether the PP can be presented at the conference. The text part should contain the following essential aspects (in an order that makes sense):

  • a short description of the theoretical background or framework
  • research goals, questions or hypotheses
  • the methods used for the study
  • the (most important) results obtained by the study; if the proposal presents a planned study, then expected results must be described (with reasons why these results are expected)
  • finally, a short discussion or conclusions should be mentioned, giving an idea how the research question or goals are satisfied.

3. The proposal should contain a reference section providing the references cited in the text part. Due to space limitation, to cite one or two papers would be preferable so that people get an idea in which paradigm or perspective the study is located.

It is obvious that for each of these aspects only a small number of sentences can be used, since the space is limited to one page. To prepare the proposal in such a compact way is challenging but every year many PME members are successful. Please be aware that proposals with more than one page will be rejected without further consideration.

Advice for authors how to prepare a Poster Presentation paper can be found on the PME website (see Preparation of OC and PP contributions).

Publication and presentation

Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings only if the full conference registration fee has been paid in time. The deadline for this payment is published in the 2nd announcement (usually in May).

60 minutes will be allocated to Poster Presentation sessions during the conference. Author(s) should be available at their poster in this session for discussion with conference participants.

The authors should bring their posters printed in the format prescribed by the conference organizers in the 2nd announcement.

Poster Presentation sessions are open, without chairing.

For more information, please see the Guidelines for Preparing and Presenting Posters and the Guidelines for Session Chairs.

The poster presentation should follow the PME formatting guidelines and must be in accordance with the PME publication ethics.