Bye Laws

Name of CIO: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)

Bye Laws of the CIO as authorised by Clause 26 of the Constitution

1.  Affiliation 

  • PME has been granted formal recognition as an official subgroup by the International Commission for Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). This does not imply any financial or other commitment on the part of PME.
  • Regional or national groups whose aims agree closely with those of the Group may be recognized as “affiliated to PME”.

2.  Membership

  • Any person, corporation, or unincorporated organization involved, or interested, in active research of mathematics education can be a member.
  • All members will be subject to the regulations of the Constitution and the bye laws, and by joining PME will be deemed to accept these regulations and the codes of practice that PME has adopted.
  • Members will pay a yearly membership The fee for the following year will be determined at the general meeting. Payment of the membership can be made:
    • directly to PME; or
    • as part of the registration fee for the Annual
  • The membership period is from January 1 – December 31 or from the time you register for the Annual Conference through the December following the annual conference.
  • The charity trustees, and only the charity trustees, may nominate an individual who has made distinguished contributions to PME to become an Honorary Member of The decision to grant Honorary Membership to an individual must be made by the members of PME as per Clause 10 of the Constitution. Current honorary members have been and are:
    • Efraim Fischbein (deceased)
    • Hans Freudenthal (deceased)
    • Joop Van Dormolen

3.  Election of trustees

  • A candidate for a trustee must:
    • be a member of PME at the time of election;
    • not be in violation of clause 3(c) of the constitution
  • A candidate must be nominated by two PME members at least 24 hours before the beginning of the Annual General Meeting of the members.
  • In the election the member will vote for as many candidates as there are trustees to be elected. If n new trustees need to be elected, a member has to give points to exactly n different candidates to conduct a valid vote. These n candidates must be ranked by giving n, n-1, …, 1 points. If there are more than n candidates, the other candidates will get zero points from this member.
  • The candidates receiving most votes are elected, unless that would violate the clause 12.3 (c) of the constitution. If that would happen, the next candidate on the list will be elected instead.
  • Further details about organizing the election are determined by the trustees.

4.  Roles among the Charity Trustees

  • After every AGM the charity trustees shall elect:
    • one trustee as the Vice-President
    • one trustee as the Treasurer
    • one trustee as the Secretary
    • one trustee as the Policy Chair
  • A trustee shall not hold more than one such role.
  • The Vice-President can be re-elected The Treasurer, Secretary, and Policy Chair may be re-elected on the condition they are a members of the charity trustees.
  • The remaining charity trustees shall be elected onto one of:
    • Vice-President’s portfolio group
    • Treasurer’s portfolio group
    • Secretary’s portfolio group
    • Policy Chair’s portfolio group

No portfolio group shall have less than four charity trustees on it.

5.  Eligibility for a President Elect

  • The clause 2. (c) of the constitution specifies that the candidate for President Elect must
    • have served as a charity trustee or a Former PME International Committee member [as specified in the Bye Laws] previously; and
    • not currently be, or have been, the President; this includes also past Presidents of the Former PME [as specified in the Bye Laws];
  • The past Members of the International Committee and Presidents for the Former PME who have retired 2019 or earlier are listed in the appendix of the Bye Laws.

6.  Limits of Powers

  • The charity trustees have the authority to act on behalf of the PME in the purchasing of goods, paying for services, taking a lease, or remunerating an employee as per Clause 4 of the
  • The charity trustees have the authority as outlined in Bye Law 4(a) to a maximum limit of 5000 EUR.
  • Initiatives requiring expenditures of greater than 5000 EUR must be agreed upon by the members of PME as per Clause 10 of the Constitution.

7. Changes to the Bye Laws

(a) Changes to the bye laws must be agreed upon by the members of PME as per Clause 10 of the Constitution.

Appendix: Members of the International Committee and Presidents for the Former PME who have retired 2019 or earlier

Past and present members of the International Committee and year(s) elected

* Indicates President

Jill Adler, South Africa, 1994

Janet Ainley, UK, 1996

Silvia Alatorre, Mexico, 2009

Samuele Antonini, Italy, 2009

Avraham Arcavi, Israel, 1995

Michele Artigue, France, 1990

Ferdinando Arzarello, Italy, 2004, 2005

Mike Askew, United Kingdom, 2004

Nicolas Balacheff, France, 1983, 1988*

Mariolina Bartolini Bussi, Italy, 1991

Luciana Bazzini, Italy, 2001

Gerhard Becker, Germany, 1983

Merlyn Behr, USA, 1982

Alan Bell, United Kingdom, 1978

Jacques Bergeron, Canada, 1983

Kim Beswick, Australia, 2014

Alan Bishop, United Kingdom, 1986

Janete Bolite Frant, Brazil, 1999

George Booker, Australia, 1985

Marcello Borba, Brazil, 2005

Chris Breen, South Africa, 1998, 2004*

Gard Brekke, Norway, 1997

Leonie Burton, United Kingdom, 1982

Terezinha Carraher, Brazil, 1986

Olive Chapman, Canada, 2012

Helen Chick, Australia, 2003

Marta Civil, USA, 2012

Paul Cobb, USA, 1987

Anne Cockburn, United Kingdom, 2000

Elmar Cohors-Fresenborg, Germany, 1977

Kevin Collis, Australia, 1981,1984*

Claude Comiti, France, 1979

Jere Confrey, USA 1992

Martin Cooper, Australia, 1990

Csaba Csikos, Hungary, 2014

Bettina Dahl Søndergaard, Denmark, 2010

Jorge Da Rocha-Falcão, Brazil, 2001

Bernadette Denys, France, 1991

Sandy Dawson, Canada, 2002

Jan Draisma, Mozambique, 1998

Tommy Dreyfus, Israel, 1983 W

illibald Dörfler, Austria, 1985

Cris Edmonds-Wathen, Australia, 2015

Laurie Edwards, USA, 2008

Theodore Eisenberg, Israel, 1987

Paul Ernest, United Kingdom, 1992

Ruhama Even, Israel, 1999

Olimpia Figueras, Mexico, 2007

Eugenio Filloy, Mexico, 1981

Ephraim Fischbein, Israel, 1977*

Helen Forgasz, Australia, 2006

Cristina Frade, Brazil, 2007

Hans Freudenthal, The Netherlands, 1978

AnneBerit Fuglestad, Norway, 2002

Toshiakira Fujii, Japan, 1998

Peter Gates, United Kingdom, 2001

Claude Gaulin, Canada, 1989

David M. Gomez, Chile, 2015

Zahra Gooya, Iran, 2004

Mellony Graven, South Africa, 2015

Angel Gutierrez, Spain, 1990

Gila Hanna, Canada, 1989

Markku Hannula, Finland, 2003

Kath Hart, United Kingdom, 1979, 1990*

Klaus Hasemann, Germany, 1981

Stephen Hegedus, USA, 2011

Aiso Heinze, Germany, 2007

Nicolas Herscovics, Canada, 1978

Rina Hershkowitz, Israel, 1980, 2001*

Ichei Hirabayashi, Japan, 1984

Marj Horne, Australia, 2010

Alena Hošpesová, Czech Republic, 2008

Celia Hoyles, United Kingdom, 1983

Bat-Sheva Ilany, Israel, 2007

Claude Janvier, Canada, 1979

Barbara Jaworski, United Kingdom, 1990, 2013*

Keith Jones, United Kingdom, 2013

Berinderjeet Kaur, Singapore, 2015

Christine Keitel, Germany, 1985

Carolyn Kieran, Canada, 1985, 1992*

Masataka Koyama, Japan, 2000

Oh Nam Kwon, South Korea, 2013

Chronis Kynigos, Greece, 1991

Colette Laborde, France, 1987

Gilah Leder, Australia, 1989, 1998*

Stephen Lerman, United Kingdom, 1993, 1995*

Richard Lesh, USA, 1978

Frank Lester, USA, 1988

Anke M. Lindmeier, Germany, 2013

Hee-Chan Lew, Korea, 2004

Peter Liljedahl, Canada, 2006, 2016*

Fou-Lai Lin, Taiwan, 1988, 2007*

Pi-Jen Lin, Taiwan, 2005

Francis Lowenthal, Belgium, 1980

Carolyn Maher, USA, 1991

Nicolina Malara, Italy, 1997

Maria Alessandra Mariotti, Italy, 1994

João Filipe Matos, Portugal, 1995, 2011*

Luciano Meira, Brazil, 1994

Hartwig Meissner, Germany, 1979

Ana Mesquita, France, 1996 James Moser, USA, 1980

Judith Mousley, Australia, 1995

Teresa Navarro di Mendicuti, Mexico, 1986

Ricardo Nemirovsky, USA, 1999

Pearla Nesher, Israel, 1978, 1986*

Cynthia Nicol, Canada, 2006

Nobuhiko Nohda, Japan, 1988

Guri A. Nortvedt, Norway, 2011

Jarmila Novotná,Czech Republic, 2003

Rafael Núnez, Switzerland, 1995

Masakazu Okazaki, Japan, 2012

JeongSuk Pang, Korea, 2008

Andrea Peter-Koop, Germany, 2001

David Pimm, United Kingdom, 1987

Nuria Planas, Spain, 2010

Alwyn Olivier, South Africa, 1996

Erkki Pehkonen, Finland, 1995

Marcia Pinto, Brazil, 2009

João Ponte, Portugal, 1988

Norma Presmeg, USA, 1997

Luis Puig, Spain, 1994

Teresa Rojano, Mexico, 1993 Tom Romberg, USA, 1984

André Rouchier, France, 1981

Tim Rowland, United Kingdom, 2009

Catherine Sackur, France, 1999

Leonor Santos, Portugal, 2011

Haralambos Sakonides, Greece, 2002

Stanislaw Schukajlow-Wasjutinski, Germany, 2014

Mamokgethi Setati, South Africa, 2003

Keiichi Shigematsu, Japan, 1992

Yoshinori Shimizu, Japan, 2005

Richard Skemp, United Kingdom, 1978, 1980*

Judith Sowder, USA, 1992

Kaye Stacey, Australia, 1993

Leen Streefland, The Netherlands, 1981

Peter Sullivan, Australia, 2000

Janos Suranyi, Hungary, 1977 and 1986

Michal Tabach, Israel, 2013

Dinah Tirosh, Israel, 1989

Tai-Yih Tso, Taiwan, 2010

Stefan Turneau, Poland, 1977

Pessia Tzamir, Israel, 2004

Marianna Tzekaki, Greece, 2008

Ron Tzur, USA, 2002

Behiye Ubuz, Turkey, 2006

Stefan Ufer, Germany, 2011

Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, The Netherlands, 1998

Wim van Dooren, Belgium, 2012

Joop van Dormolen, The Netherlands, 1984

Gérard Vergnaud, France, 1977, 1982*

Alfred Vermandel, Belgium, 1977,1982

Shlomo Vinner, Israel, 1982

Ipke Wachsmuth, Germany, 1984

Sigrid Wagner, USA, 1980

Tad Watanabe, USA, 2000

Kai-Lin Yang, Taiwan, 2015

Vicki Zack, Canada, 1998

Orit Zaslavsky, Israel, 1997

Wáczek Zawadowski, Poland, 1993