International Committee / Board of Trustees

To run PME over the year, prepare and implement decisions made during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and do most of the everyday work, PME has an International Committee (IC) of 16 elected members and 1 elected president. The IC was re-named “Board of Trustees” (BoT) after PME became a charity. Each year, during the AGM meeting at the PME conference, four new nominees are elected for four years by the members present. And every three years, a President-Elect is elected who will assume the presidency of PME and become a trustee for a 3-year presidential term at the AGM during the PME conference the following year.

2024 is the year to choose a new President-Elect, please see the Call.

Being a part of the BoT is a great opportunity to contribute to the PME organization. The work on the BoT usually involves taking part in the BoT meetings 1.5 days before, some hours during and 1.5 days after the PME conferences, and to contribute to the work in one of the four BoT Portfolio Groups over the year:

  • The Vice President Portfolio Group (VPG) which is mainly responsible for PME scientific issues
  • The Policy Portfolio Group (PPG) which mainly deals with PME policy issues
  • The Secretary Portfolio Group (SPG) which mainly takes care of communication within PME
  • The Treasurer Portfolio Group (TPG) which is responsible for PME financial affairs

To stand for the Board of Trustees or as President-Elect, you need to fill in the Nomination Form to introduce yourself and your goals for your involvement in the Board of Trustees.

As PME has become a charitable organization, please refer to the information on PME_becoming_charity in case you are considering to stand for the Board of Trustees.

This form must be signed by yourself and two researchers who support your application. Note that you, your nominator, and your seconder must be PME members for the current year.

You email this form to the PME Administrative Manager ( at least 24 hours before the start of the AGM. You and your supporters should be present at the AGM, one of your supporters will be asked to introduce you shortly before the election starts.

The main restriction for becoming part of the BoT is that at most three members from one country are allowed on the BoT at any time. This refers to the country of your current affiliation.

Current Board of Trustees

Office Person Country/Region Elected E-Mail Address
President Wim Van Dooren Belgium 2021 wim.vandooren(at)
Vice President Portfolio Group Michal Ayalon Israel 2021 mayalon(at)
Christina Krause Austria 2021 christina.krause(at)
Farzaneh Sadaati Chile 2024 farzaneh.saadati(at)
Daniel Sommerhoff Germany 2021 sommerhoff(at)
Ting-Ying Wang Taiwan 2023 tywang(at)
Secretary Portfolio Group Ban Heng Choy Singapore 2021 banheng.choy(at)
Helena Johansson Sweden 2021 helena.johansson(at)
Heather Johnson United States of America 2024 heather.johnson(at)
Nicky Roberts South Africa 2022 nicky(at)
Wee Tiong Seah Australia 2022 wt.seah(at)
Treasurer Portfolio Group  Juan Manuel Gonzalez Forte Spain 2023  juanma.gonzalez(at)
Jenni Ingram United Kingdom 2023 jenni.ingram(at)
Kotaro Komatsu Japan 2021 komatsu.kotaro.ft(at)
Heidi Krzywacki Finland 2024 heidi.krzywacki(at)
Policy Portfolio Group Chiara Andrà Italy 2021 chiara.andra(at)
Sean Chorney Canada 2023 sean_chorney(at)
Nicola Hodkowski United States of America 2022 nhodkowski(at)
Ofer Marmur New Zealand 2024 ofer.marmur(at)
Anselm Robert Strohmaier Germany 2022 anselm.strohmaier(at)

*The Executive of each portfolio group is highlighted in bold.

Past IC Members

List of past IC members