About the AGM

As noted in the Constitution, the Annual General Meeting is held each year during the Annual Conference. All PME members may attend and vote, both for candidates for the IC and for issues that are on the agenda. Information on how to bring a proposal to the AGM is given below under “Path to AGM.” One step in that procedure is to bring the issue to the Policy Meeting, an open meeting for discussion of PME Policies held a day or two before the Annual General Meeting.

Agendas and minutes are available for download for registered users (please log in to the members section using your individual username and password).

How to bring a proposal to the AGM – Path to AGM

How a member can make a proposal to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting:

  1. Any member can contact by e-mail or in person the AM, Secretary or President to submit a proposal to be included on the AGM agenda, at any time
  2. Proposal will be raised and discussed at the Policy Meeting at the next Annual Meeting
  3. International Committee discusses the proposal at the next IC meeting. Based on the discussions during the Policy and IC meetings, the IC decides whether the proposal should go forward. If so, it assigns the proposal to an appropriate Portfolio Group (PG) for further development
  4. The assigned Portfolio Group creates initial language for the proposal
  5. The assigned Portfolio Group posts the initial language to the Path to AGM Forum for discussion. The initial language is also distributed via the Discussion List and newsletter
  6. After considering the on-line discussion of the proposal, the assigned Portfolio Group creates the final draft of proposal and any options
  7. The assigned Portfolio Group posts the final draft of proposal to the Path to AGM Forum for further discussion. The final draft is also distributed via Discussion List and newsletter
  8. The Secretary adds the proposal to the AGM agenda (distributed a month before the next Annual Meeting via the web, Discussion List and newsletter)
  9. Possibly more discussion on the Path to AGM Forum and/or discussion list and newsletter
  10. At the Annual General Meeting, there will be 10 minutes for discussion of the proposal followed by a vote of the full membership.

Procedure adopted by vote at the AGM, PME 34 in Brazil, 2010